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Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Every year the beginning of May greets us with the celebration of International Workers’ Day. This is meant to be a day of appreciation for the majority of people, the workers. Employees are the backbone and fabric of corporate and regular society. Their health, both physically and mentally, impacts the rest of us.

May also brings us Mental Health Awareness Month and encourages us to dive into a topic that’s not always so easy to discuss. We all know it’s important yet many of us have been conditioned to feel uncomfortable touching on the subject. Fortunately, our culture is shifting to replace stigma with open conversation.

Similarly, money is a topic that most people are uncomfortable discussing. Money influences many aspects of our daily lives, from meeting our basic human needs to pursuing our dreams and aspirations. We can help destigmatize conversations around both financial and mental health as we acknowledge the profound impact that they have on each other and the quality of our lives.

Check out this article from an interview that I did about how an Emergency Fund can impact mental health.

The link between money and our mental state can show up in a variety of ways. Debt and lack of financial resources can cause increased levels of anxiety, depression, and overall psychological unrest. On the other hand, mental issues can be really taxing which can hinder us from making sound financial decisions. It's crucial for us to understand the relationship between money and mental health and be able to participate in healthy conversations.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of the two helps us to be intentional as we tackle issues and develop strategies to promote both HEALTH and WEALTH.

  • Has your money ever affected your mental health (or vice versa)?

  • Do you have toxic money habits to unlearn?

  • What patterns do you believe are harming your finances?

In today's consumer driven society, it's easy to become engrossed in the allure of material things, tempting us to link our self-worth to our finances. Impulsive spending, retail therapy, overreliance on credit cards, choosing to remain in debt, and prioritizing instant gratification may be due to a lack of self-love or a poor sense of self.

  • How often do you spend to distract from problems?

  • Are you able to separate your emotions from your spending?

Getting attached to the quick fix of material things can lead to a never-ending cycle of seeking external validation. This mindset can quickly become unhealthy and lead to dependence on spending money to feel satisfied.

  • Have you ever stopped to think about why you’re drawn to certain purchases or feel the need to keep up with others?

These behaviors can be rooted in childhood wounds more often than you think. Our upbringing and past experiences shape our money mindset and attitude, oftentimes unconsciously. By recognizing and addressing these patterns, the process of healing can finally take place. Find healthy ways to provide for your inner child what you might have lacked in childhood.

I played high school basketball but before I ever played JV or varsity I played in my neighborhood. Michael Jordan’s ascension to basketball royalty and his influence were a major part of the zeitgeist. My high school colors were the same as the Bulls so I had extra reason for wanting the magic shoes that also would fit into my wardrobe that was highly influenced by school spirit. We couldn’t afford Jordans so I didn’t get Jordans. Instead, I got some red, white and black high tops of a brand that I had NEVER seen before nor since. I HATED those shoes.

Will Smith Meme from the series Fresh Prince of Bel Air with the text Take it from me parents just don't understand

It was my daily hope that I would outgrow them before I ever had to wear them because there was no use trying to explain the problem.

Fast forward to 10 years later to my still poor young adult years and playing basketball wasn't as much of a priority for me. Multiple versions of Jordans were released but my focus remained on shelter and food. A few more years went by and I was in my mid 30’s with a PLAY Account. I realized that I could afford to buy a pair of Jordans but I didn’t even want them at that point. They no longer had the power to fill the void. My void had evolved.

Self-examination revealed that my reasons for wanting them in high school were all external and highly dated. That singular moment of reflection and mindfulness prevented me from spending thousands of dollars over the years on something that I didn’t even actually want.

A poster of different Air Jordans from Haus and Hues

If I didn’t take the chance to ponder my priorities, I might still be trying to fill the void of a high school athlete with every release.

Image via Haus and Hues

I’m sharing my experience as a cautionary tale. Based on what I learned about myself, I would have missed out on options for retirement savings that led to my option of early retirement.

✍🏽 Sign up for my newsletter for money-related musings, financial tips, and updates about my south-of-the-border 🇲🇽 shenanigans.

Pay yourself first advice can seem empty for someone at the beginning stages of getting in touch with themselves. Instead of spending thoughtlessly, practice mindfulness, be intentional, and invest in yourself. Find ways to grow into your better version of yourself. Small yet deliberate measures toward your goal will produce long-term results.

The first step to healing is getting to know your worth and loving yourself unconditionally, independent of your current net worth. Build and grow yourself as you grow your ability to withstand life’s financial surprises. It could be taking a stand and saving for a rainy day or taking the steps to prevent yourself from being shackled by the financial services industry. It could be you choosing not to stay in debt and instead, work on paying it off to help reduce anxiety. All of these and more are valid acts of self-love.

The journey to financial healing and mental clarity is not an instant fix. Think back on the time and experiences that it took to get where you are and make peace with the time it will take time to dismantle and rebuild. Trust the process. You’re worth it.

My 3-month program is a non-judgmental space where it's safe to address your fears as well as your dreams. Book your 30 minute call today.

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

The beginning of May marks the end of Financial Literacy Month. However, it’s always a great time to focus on the importance of having a financial education and how it can impact your life positively. Financial literacy involves understanding financial concepts like budgeting, saving, managing debt and investing. It's a vital skill that helps you make informed decisions about your money, which leads to a more secure financial future.

A picture of Babylon with the text, "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason

If you're looking to improve your financial situation, check out the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason.

This personal finance book holds valuable tips on money management, financial planning and budgeting. It also tackles themes around investing, generating income, ensuring your future income, and saving up for retirement.

It basically reveals the secrets of building wealth through timeless principles that anyone can use. This book has helped people from all walks of life achieve financial success and build wealth for generations to come. Including me!

My future is still unfolding and I share what I’m up to in my weekly newsletter so sign up for my newsletter. It includes money-related musings, financial tips, and updates about my south-of-the-border 🇲🇽 shenanigans including my current real estate adventures.

One of the most prominent and relevant lessons from the book is the 7 Cures For a Lean Purse.

A picture of an old scroll with the heading From the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" and body text, 7 Cures for a Lean Purse

Choose your platform and check out the series of short videos I made discussing each cure:

These cures are tried and true principles that can help you achieve financial success. Building wealth and living a life of abundance can become your reality by controlling spending, investing wisely, and ensuring a future income.

Building wealth is more than just accumulating money. It's also about managing it wisely.

The 5 Laws of Gold come into play here. Let's take a closer look at these laws and see how they can help you achieve true financial freedom.

a picture of textured paper with the text the 5 laws of Gold

The 1st Law says that "Gold comes easily and in increasing quantity to the person who saves at least one-tenth of their earnings." In other words, it highlights the importance of saving a portion of what you earn, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem. Over time it will accumulate. This can even be set up with automatic payments.

This is the money that primes the pump.

The 2nd Law states that "Gold labors diligently and multiplies when you invest it wisely."

This emphasizes the power of investing your savings into something that will grow in value over time, creating even more income in the long run. Don’t waste your money’s potential to grow by stashing it under your mattress. Instead, you should maximize it by putting it to work and letting it do its multiplying magic through the power of compounding.

I ❤️ compound interest.

The 3rd Law, “Gold flees the person who invests it in businesses or purposes with which they are not familiar or which are not approved by those who are skilled in its keeping,” underlines the importance of investing only in things that you understand. Before making any investments, do your due diligence, seek expert advice, and engage in continuous learning.

🎶 You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, 🎶

The 4th Law relates to the third, “Gold slips away from the person who trusts it to others without first making sure that they are trustworthy.” The lesson that we can all take from this is to only put our money in the hands of people and institutions we trust. Before engaging in any financial transactions, conduct research, check credentials, and verify track records.

🎶 Know when to walk away, know when to run. 🎶

Lastly, the 5th Law claims that “Gold accumulates in the hands of the person who understands the laws governing its acquisition and investment.” This law underscores the significance of financial literacy and education. Educating yourself about budgeting, saving and debt reduction will help you reach financial security.

🎶 You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table,

There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done. 🎶

~Kenny Rogers, The Gambler

The 5 Laws of Gold from "The Richest Man in Babylon" offer timeless principles and lasting lessons that anybody can use.

  • I implemented the 7 Cures For a Lean Purse towards the beginning of my financial literacy quest.

  • I shifted to practicing the 5 Laws of Gold once my habits and finances could support them.

I continue to live by these cures and laws, and they serve me well. These principles are an important part of the financial education that helped me to be able to live a life that is better than anything that I dared to dream 20 years ago.

I can help you integrate these strategies into your life with my comprehensive foundational 3-Month Coaching program.

By the end of my 3-month coaching program, you’ll have a flexible spending plan, a savings plan and a debt reduction plan all based on your goals. You’ll also develop a working knowledge of the financial services industry so that you can use the same strategies that they use to benefit you.

Schedule your no-obligation exploratory call to find out if working with me is a fit.

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Destination: Inner peace, joy, free time, play, laughter, rest, ease, and more of what YOU want.

Embarking on the journey toward financial freedom can be like taking a road trip. It starts with a destination, a plan, and a map to guide you along the way. And just like a road trip, there will be detours, obstacles, twists and turns along the way.

But with a clear vision (your WHY) of your goals and a determination to stay on course you can get to your destination. It will take time and effort and the journey is nothing short of amazing.

Here are some travel tips for your journey!

CREATE A BUDGET: Your budget is part of the roadmap. This is where you outline your income, expenses, and financial goals. It’s important to create a budget that is realistic, achievable, and flexible so that life events can be accounted for. Creating a budget is one thing. Sticking to it is another. If you don’t stick to it you’re setting yourself to run out of fuel before you can fill up.

Budgeting is simply telling your money exactly where to go so that you aren’t left wondering where it went. The awareness of where your money is actually going is empowering.

Creating a budget is an indispensable part of practicing money mindfulness.

It makes space for you to prioritize what you really want, NOT what someone else told you that you want. Especially if THAT someone else is trying to play you.

It's your first step in

beating them at their own game.

Clarity will help you to map your route as well as help you know when you're off course. An example of being off course is having consumer debt. Work with me to create your debt reduction plan. Similar to GPS, if you maintain speed, you’ll arrive at your debt-free destination just like you planned.

BUILD AN EMERGENCY FUND: Just like having a spare tire in your trunk, having an emergency fund can help you navigate unexpected financial bumps in the road. Many people often mesh their Emergency Fund and Savings. What happens if your car breaks down, you spend the money to fix it and then you lose your job?

You can avoid this by dedicating your Emergency Fund to cover ONLY a loss of income. This sets you up to replace your nagging worries with confidence. The confidence that comes from knowing that you’re set financially when something happens. Not IF but WHEN.

The anxiety and energy-sucking stress of a loss of income no longer burden you because you know you can come back from it.

But don’t call it a comeback.

SAVE FOR SPECIFICS: Don’t be surprised by roadblocks on your journey. Expect and plan for regular maintenance like oil changes, new brakes, tune-ups, and even fender benders to slow your progress. Saving for specifics helps you prepare and save so you don’t get stuck on the side of the road.

Specifics means saving for these three scenarios; Unplanned, Irregular, and Planned.

You’re already on your way because Unplanned is covered by the Emergency Fund.

Irregular events are likely to happen, but you’re just not sure when, like car and home repairs, pet care, gifts, and travel for happy and sad reasons. Setting aside money in anticipation of these and other life events can protect you from using your Emergency Fund, credit cards or borrowing against your retirement. Saving for irregular events helps a detour not send you off a cliff.

Flying Car

Planned savings is where dreaming begins and lifestyle upgrades aren’t working against you. You’ve made the effort to pimp your ride by stabilizing it with state-of-the-art safety features like seatbelts, airbags and backup cameras.

You can now use these features to navigate these wealth building streets. Here are just a few of the things that money that is not earmarked for survival can confidently be used for.

  • Funding your retirement

  • Regularly contributing to a taxable brokerage account

  • Saving for a down payment for a house before buying an $85,000 car

  • Travel - from regularly scheduled vacations to gap years for grown folks

  • And, of course, the holy grail - the option of early retirement

A picture of E-40 with his lyrics quoted "Sometimes it's cool to floss But don't buy an $85,000 car Before you buy a bouse"

SET UP AUTOPAY: While you’re on this trip, it is important to remember that money can buy stuff 💩, but it can also be directed to buy you time ⏱️. Setting up automatic payments will help you do just that. Imagine reclaiming all the time that you spend all month thinking, wondering, worrying, and stressing about what bill is due and when and if Peter will be able to let you hold a lil sumthin’ so that you can pay Paul.

The saying "Idle hands are the devil's playground" is a NOPE for me. The free time that I created gave me the space to create more free time.

A proactive budget gives the clarity and confidence to set up autopay. Use autopay to help you get out of your own way by being more consistent.

By automating your finances (investments included), you can simply set it to regularly pay your bills or invest without having to manually do it.

This is cruise control!

INTEGRATE INVESTING: Investing gives you the opportunity to put your left turn signal on and move to the fast lane. After making sure that the bills are paid and that life events are covered with savings, put the top down and enjoy the ride. This is when compound interest really gets to work by making your money work for you.

REST, REVIEW AND REASSESS: Rest is, of course, a major reason to even get in this car in the first place. But it’s not just about reaching the final destination. We need to schedule regular maintenance of ourselves. On your journey, it’s important to make time to check out some roadside attractions. Not just at the end, but consistently along the way.

Take a moment to pause and enjoy the view. Carve out time to re-evaluate your goals to confirm that you’re not trying to get somewhere that you don’t even want to go.

Celebrate your wins, big, small, and micro. They all count! If your celebration plans aren’t free.99, add them to your budget and pay yourself for it with the urgency and consistency of a bill 🤑. This also works for other types of savings as well. Consider the interest from your high-yield savings account a reward or bonus for making the effort.

If you want some company at the beginning of your trip, I call shotgun. I know some shortcuts and the streets with the car swallowing potholes to avoid.

Sign up for my newsletter for money-related musings, financial tips, and updates about my south-of-the-border 🇲🇽 shenanigans.

"You can be young without money, you can't be old without it."


-Tennessee Williams

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