In September of 2018, I weighed nearly 200lbs. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired of feeling lethargic both physically and mentally. While researching the best way to fuel my body, I also learned another way of how to save wisely while budgeting for food shopping.
A combination of keto and intermittent fasting was what I landed on. Now I weigh just over 160lbs and I feel better, sleep better, have more energy and have mental clarity. I even got some "new" clothes. Not because I went shopping but because I could fit back into more of my clothes. With the exception of taking a deliberate break over the holidays, it’s been pretty easy to stay committed. Everyone’s body is different so I am not advocating my eating style because I am not a nutritionist. What I am advocating is meal prep as a budgeting tip.

The advantages of Meal Prep
More control of food costs because of budgeting for food
More control of what you eat
Save time from not preparing individual meals or going to grab takeout
Reduce stress because you know that you have one less thing to think about doing or actually doing because you can be planning and budgeting food for a month
The basic steps of Meal Prep:
Plan your meals
Shop for ingredients
Prepare your meals
Actually eat what you made

Every week, I prep a large batch of 1 or 2
recipes. I make a big enough batch so that some servings can be frozen to add to the
“bank”. This habit of “setting a little to the side” has become my rainy day fund for food. On those days that are busier than others or I just don’t feel like cooking dinner I have healthy meals ready to go.
So save yourself time and money, eat healthier and be less stressed and stop making delivery folks come out in 💩weather.
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